Designing a website is an art

Designing a website is an art


Your website is one of the most important aspects of your brand’s online presence and it’s important that you design it right. 

The website should be designed keeping in mind your audience because it helps you build trust. People would prefer to see something beautifully designed versus something random and unappealing.

An effective website design is one that is easy to use and conveys your message properly and clearly to the visitors. 

In designing a good website a lot of effort goes on, web developers and designers must work together to produce websites that will be located by search engines, engage customers, and stimulate conversions.

Points To Keep In Mind While Designing a Website


A domain name refers to the address of your website. The first step in creating an online presence is to purchase the domain name. Good domain names are undoubtedly harder to find but they are of great value. 

Two Things to Keep In Mind While Choosing Domain Name

  • Keep it short & simple
  • Try to keep one keyword in a domain name to get found easily.

Three Things to Avoid While Choosing Domain Name

  • Don’t select misspelled domain
  • Don’t get a hyphenated domain
  • Avoid Numbers


Getting web hosting is a crucial part of having a website live on the internet. It allows individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible via the World Wide Web.

Five things to note while selecting reliable Web Hosting

  • The price of Web Hosting.
  • Disk Space
  • Website Requirement
  • Customer Support
  • Web hosting Control panel.

Purpose & Tech

It is important to define the purpose of your website. Are you designing the website for buying and selling of products and services i.e., e-commerce or just providing some informational content? 

If the purpose and plan of your website are clear, it will be easier for the web designer to design the website you want. 

Layout & Color

Your website is the first impression of your business.  In this day and age, you must have a visually impressive website. If you have an unappealing website, it will create a negative impression of your business. 

In case your brand guidelines are set then we would suggest aligning the website as per the brand identity elements. 

Also, it is important to consider building your website with a responsive layout where your website can adjust to different screens.

Attractive Design & Content

It is very important to focus on the content of your website, it can be in the form of pictures, videos, and other graphics. 

Your website text should be informative, easy to read, and concise. Always remember, great content can attract and influence visitors by converting them into customers. 

Easy Navigation and Loading of Website 

The website design should be easy to navigate and the menu items should be easily accessible from any page. If a website is confusing, visitors will give up and never return. Waiting for a website to load will lose visitors. Avoiding unnecessary scripts, ads and heavy images will help load your site faster.

Compatibility with Multiple Browsers

When creating a website, make sure your site should load properly on all the browsers including older versions. If you fail at this step, you may lose a large section of your customer base. 

Integration with Social Media

Social media and your website should work together to promote your online brand. Place social share buttons at the top, bottom, or along the side of your pages. They help you increase awareness of your content. Businesses lacking social media integration fail to take the advantage of great user experience. 

Provide Security

It is important to have an effective security system on your website especially when you are collecting user information like bank account details, login details, etc. Even you need to make your domain name secure with the SSL certificate.

Original Content

Creating original content is time-consuming but it is crucial to write high-quality, original content that is relevant to your company and products. Search engines rank your website according to the quality of your content to the keywords used. 


Branding is important to all businesses, both large and small. Your website is the reflection of your business. Your visitor should immediately make a visual connection with your brand elements. The website does not only contributes to the memorable brand experience but enhances the image of your overall business. 

These are some basic points to keep in mind while developing a website. With a bit of planning and fruitful results, designing a website can be so much easier and do wonders for your business.

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